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Nov 27, 2020

104. Another Lessons in Life & Love LIVE Challenge! taken by Randy, age 55, at a Studio 54 Dance party in Pompano Beach, FL. The Challenge is where everyday people want to help You by offering their Advice in Life & Love. Impromtu, off-the-cuff questions answered from Randy.

1. What's the best way to meet someone?


Nov 20, 2020

103. Love Advice from My Uber Drver - Omar Angel in Ft. Lauderdale FL. Get some laughs and much needed comic relief on Show 103 of Lessons in Life & Love Podcast; as I interview our Uber Driver on a rainy night as my best friend Robin and I head out to hear a band and go dancing. The "Lessons in Life & Love LIVE...

Nov 10, 2020

John Assaraf; as seen in "The Secret" and 7 other Motivational & Inspirational films including "Quest for Success' with Richard Branson and the Dahli Lama is my guest. John's one of the leading Mindset & Behavioral Experts in the world. As CEO of NeuroGym, he helps people to release their mental & emotional blocks to...