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Apr 25, 2020

81. Resiliency & Self Esteem in Teens - Strategies for Raising Successful Teens based on research and my Thesis project: Increasing Self-Concept and Developmental Assets in Adolescents using Behavioral and Psychoeducational Interventions. Helping teens excel during the time of Coronavirus.

I cover:

  • Resiliency and...

Apr 17, 2020

80. Why You Attract Narcissists and Toxic Partners; How to Have Emotionally Healthy Love

In this show I dive deep into WHY you are Attracting The Narcissist or other Toxic Personality Type, What are the differences between Sociopaths and Narcissists, How does Childhood Trauma cause Narcissistic & other Toxic...

Apr 10, 2020

SHOW 79 - Relationships Examined during this time of Traumatic Coronavirus 

Today on Show 79 of the Lessons in Life and Love Podcast, Coach Riana Milne begins with talking about Relationship Coaching and how it differs with therapy and counseling. The current crisis doesn’t only disrupt the functions of our physical...

Apr 4, 2020

Show 78: Spiritual Trauma Recovery - Learn about how Trauma impacts you physically, emotionally, and mentally, along with the 8 symptom levels of Psychological Trauma on Show 78 of podcast with Coach Riana Milne. Riana also covers the 6 Trauma Recovery guidelines, and shares two inspirational...